A new entry in the Hot Lips series, the two-lipped flowers on this outstanding sage are a vivid wine red color, offset by white tops. Sprouting in opposite pairs off straight stems 30” tall, these flowers are a must-stop destination for hummingbirds. Slender aromatic leaves add appeal to the summer and fall flowers. With a multitude of flowering stems as plants mature, this 2' wide salvia is a real showstopper. It adds sparkle to a sunny bed, is perfect for a porch pot and is a valuable addition to a pollinator garden. Dried branches bring a woodsy aroma into the home. Easy to grow, drought tolerant and not prone to disease or insect problems, this sage is perfect for those without a green thumb! Plant in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun to light shade. Prune back to 1' tall in late winter to stimulate new growth. Deer and rabbit resistant.