The real hot smoking deal & unlike many other peppers, it’s guaranteed to be HOT, even when grown on the coast of CA. A favorite of the yard workers here at Annie’s, it has been passed from friend to friend for years. Seeds are collected every year, sown & grown in out-of-the way corners of the nursery. Based on this broad approval from people who love peppers, ‘Hot-chi Mama’ is here for you to enjoy too. Tasty chopped & eaten fresh in small amounts on cucumber & ceviche – it’s great for any dish needing some fire. Dries well, too. A perennial in mild winter areas, it grows upright to 5’ tall & 3’ wide. Prune to a comfortable height for you & protect against freezes during the Winter. In windy areas, grow inside a tomato cage to keep it stable. Lots of skinny 3” peppers are carried upright like Christmas lights, they mature from black to red. Very pretty for edible landscaping.