‘Merlin’ is the sorcerer’s apprentice among cabbages, normally characterized by having flat heads. The miniature heads stand out like little wizard’s hats! “Cute” said our test grower. She also said that they were easy to grow, had very little core and tasted very good. Set the seedlings 9-12” apart in good garden soil, water evenly and a little extra fish emulsion at planting and a month later is beneficial. When needed, floating row covers will protect cabbage seedlings against cabbage butterflies. Best grown around 60 degrees F and an early Spring planting will give late Spring crop, a mid-Summer planting a Fall crop (overwinters well). Merlin also tucks in well with ornamentals (a plus: confuses the cabbage butterfly’s scent detectors). The plants will become 12-18” tall and around 13” wide. When the heads start feeling firm, you can harvest them. When fresh, cabbage is so very crisp and sweet.