Saturday, April 13th 10am – 4pm

A fun and educational day where the nursery will be buzzing with all things bees!
We’ve gathered a swarm of bee experts for an educational and fun filled day at our BEE BASH 2024. Come learn from some of the Bay Area’s leading experts about native bees and what you can do to help them, including preserving habitat, and planting and gardening with bees in mind. Find out which plants are most likely to attract and sustain bees in your area – and how to plant a seasonal succession of blooms so they have food sources year round.
The day will also include bee expert booths and exhibits, plus kid’s crafts, music and food vendors. Open to all ages! Bring your questions!
John Whittlesey: "Bumble Bees - Their Natural History & Designing Gardens to Support Them"
Canyon Creek Nursery & Design
Break: Grab lunch or a sweet snack from
Pickles N' Smoke BBQ or Gigi's One Bite Wonder

Jessica Fox: "How Pollinators Relate To Electricity"
Electric Power Research Institute

Emil Pentrinic: "Opening Our Eyes to Native Bees"
Amanda Niemela: "California’s Bees: Gardening for our Bee-utiful Pollinators"
UC Berkeley Urban Bee Lab

Stop by one of our bee information tables, arts & crafts area, grab a snack or pick up some cool bee merch from one of our bee-related vendors who will be joining us at the Bee Bash.

Jennifer Jewell - is the host of the national award-winning weekly public radio program and podcast Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History and the Human Impulse to Garden.
Jewell is the author of The Earth in Her Hands, 75 Extraordinary Women Working in the World of Plants (Timber Press in 2020), and Under Western Skies, Visionary Gardens from the Rockies to the Pacific Coast (Timber Press, May 2021), and, What We Sow, On the Personal Ecological, and Cultural Significance of Seeds (Timber Press, 2023).
Jewell’s greatest passion is elevating the way we think and talk about gardening, the empowerment of gardeners, and the possibility inherent in the intersection between places, environments, cultures, individuals and the gardens that bring them together beautifully – for the better of all the lives on this generous planet.
cultivatingplace.com; Instagram @cultivating_place; Facebook @cultivatingplace.NSPR.
John Whittlesey - is a nurseryman, garden designer, and author who has spent many years designing and installing climate-appropriate gardens with the purpose of attracting more wildlife into the garden. His book, The Plant Lovers Guide to Salvias, was published by Timber Press in 2014. He is a strong believer that we become more connected to our garden spaces when our gardens become more than just pretty places, but rather are vibrant habitats where birds and insects thrive.
Dave Hunter - Dave Hunter is the founder/owner of Crown Bees, an innovative solitary bee company headquartered in Woodinville, WA. With over two decades of hands-on experience with native bees, Dave has been instrumental in shaping the commercial Mason bee industry. He helped establish the Orchard Bee Association (OBA), which has revolutionized Mason beekeeping practices and helped establish standards for ethical beekeeping while optimizing efficiency for farmers and gardeners alike. In addition to his entrepreneurial endeavors, Dave co-authored "The Mason Bee Revolution."
crownbees.com Instagram: @crown_bees
Jessica Fox - Jessica Fox is a conservation biologist leading efforts on water management, pollinators, environmental markets, ecosystem services, sustainability and related work. She currently works for the Electric Power Research Institute, (EPRI), a non-profit organization focused on environmental science related to electricity generation and use. In 2018, Ms. Fox launched the EPRI Power-in-Pollinators Initiative, which is now the largest effort in North America for electric power companies to collaborate on pollinator conservation research and projects. Previously, Fox led EPRI’s Energy Sustainability Interest Group from which became the largest collaborative forum in the industry to advance critical issues related to sustainable electricity.
epri.com/pollinators;Facebook: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) | Facebook
Emil Petrinic -Emil is a photographer, writer, and community scientist who enjoys learning about native bees and their interactions with plants and sharing that knowledge with others through applying his visual storytelling skills. You can often find him participating in bioblitzes working on improving local surveys of native bee ranges and populations, and occasionally leading bee walks. When he's not outside looking for bees, he's on iNaturalist helping identify observations of native bees from the West Coast of North America. Emil enjoys gardening and bonsai, among other hobbies.
pollinatorposse.org Instagram: @pollinatorposse
Annie's Annuals & Perennials
Nursery: 740 Market Ave. Richmond, CA 94801
Business Office: 801 Chesley Ave. Richmond, CA, 94801
(888) 266-4370